Monday, September 16, 2024

San Prospero Feast Day 2024 Photos

Below are some photos from the Sunday, September 8, 2024 San Prospero Feast Day Luncheon held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Marino Hall in Cleveland, Ohio.  Enjoy!

Dr. Joe (in Foggia shirt) at Linda Santosuosso's table

Lucia Pavia and Family

Linda Santosuosso and Family

Cookies from Bruno's Ristorante

Linda speaking to the assembly

Dr. Joe making his rounds around the Hall

Monday, July 29, 2024

San Prospero Feast Day 2024

 Mass and Luncheon - September 8, 2024

9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Rocco Church followed by
Luncheon at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Marino Hall
(located under OLMC Church on 70th and Detroit, Cleveland)

The cost will be $35 for adults and no charge for children 10 and under.

Please stay after mass for a group photo on the altar steps.

Bruno's Ristorante will cater the event. Menu: cavatelli, meatballs, salad, garlic bread/butter, desserts (cannoli and limoncello cake) coffee, soft drinks. A complimentary bottle of wine will be provided for each table. Feel free to bring additional beer and wine for you party/guests/family. 
No alcohol will be sold at the dinner.

Send your reservation check to Linda Santosuosso 1281 W. 70th St., Cleveland, OH 44102 
no later than August 15, 2024.

We're looking for someone to take over this 'website'.

Technically, it's a free blog from Google.

I'd be happy to sign administrator role over to someone. Let me know.

The only condition is that all of the content be preserved
and remain available for viewers.

I can also download everything and send you the files via Dropbox
if you want to create a new site.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

San Prospero Feast Day Celebration: September 10, 2023

 Ciao Faetani!

Mass and Luncheon: September 10, 2023

 The past three years or so have been difficult. We have experienced heartache, illness, isolation, and great loss. One of whom was our irreplaceable Mike Pavia. Please join us to heal, hope, share memories
and a Sunday meal. We will have our luncheon this year no matter how many/few attend.

9:30 am Mass at St. Rocco Church
followed by luncheon at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Marino Hall
located under OLMC Church 6928 Detroit Ave. Cleveland

The cost will be $27 for adults; there is no charge for children 10 and under.

Bruno's Ristorante will cater the event. Menu: cavatelli, meatballs,
lemon chicken, salad, garlic bread/butter, desserts, coffee, soft drinks.
A complimentary bottle of wine will be provide for each table. Feel free to bring additional beer and wine for you party/guests/family. No alcohol will be sold at the dinner. If you can't be at Mass, please join us for the luncheon.

Send reservation check to Linda Santosuosso
1281 West 70th St., Cleveland, 44102
no later than August 15!


This administrator is looking for someone to take over this 'website'.

Technically, it's a free blog from Google.

I'd be happy to sign administrator role over to someone. Let me know.

The only condition is that all of the content be preserved
and remain available for viewers.

I can also download everything and send you the files via Dropbox
if you want to create a new site.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

San Prospero Feast Day Celebration - 2022

The 9:30 Mass was at St. Rocco Church 

and the luncheon was at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

 Click on this link to view all of the photos from this event:





Tuesday, August 3, 2021

San Prospero Feast Day 2021

Even though the 2021 San Prospero Feast Day celebration was canceled due to the covid spike, the variant and mask requirements, organizer, Linda Santosuosso and her family attended the scheduled Mass on the 12th in honor of San Prospero at OLMC. The priest and parishioners were very welcoming. Here is a photo of our banner on the OLMC altar courtesy of Donald Paoletta. 

There was a noon Latin High mass at St. Rocco as well. We hope to be all together next year for Mass and dinner in honor of San Prospero.

Please stay safe. 
Get vaccinated if you are able. Wear masks where appropriate.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Older Photos from San Prospero Day

Below are links to 4 photo albums from San Prospero Day dinners
that had not been previously posted. 





Thursday, June 4, 2020

2020 San Prospero Feast Day Update

As you know, with the Covid-19 Pandemic, it would  not be safe to have our San Prospero Feast Day celebration dinner this September, 2020. A good portion of our attendees are over 65 and in the vulnerable category. St. Rocco is a small hall and social distancing requirements would not be possible. 

Let's all focus on next year's dinner - 2021 - when we will all have much to celebrate!  We look forward to seeing all of you there! God bless all with good heath and good friends! Enjoy  time with your families and have a wonderful summer!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020


Grandma Petitti, born in Faeto and living in New Jersey, is making the best of it during these very unsettling times. She has moved into her son's and daughter-in-law's home and continues creating new cooking videos! The latest video showcases Gnocchi. The best part though, is at the end; she says a prayer in Italian. Lovely!

When you watch her videos on YouTube, do leave a comment. Her family makes sure she sees every single one!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

San Prospero Feast Day 2019

This year's feast day celebration was in the hall at St. Rocco's. Thank you all for making it a special day! Special thank you to Linda Santosuosso!! We hope that the visitors to this website will explore the many links and the previous posts. The history of our little village and its language is very unique and special.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Here are  few links to a delightful set of YouTube cooking videos from Gina Petitti, a native of Faeto, now living in New Jersey. Authentic! Fun! Delicious!
You can subscribe to her YouTube channel here:

She has over 275,000 followers!!!




Monday, September 10, 2018

San Prospero Feast Day Celebration 2018

On Sunday, September 9, 2018 we celebrated the feast day of San Prospero at the noon Mass followed by a terrific pasta dinner! The great turnout was a wonderful tribute to those brave Faetani who left their village to start a new, better life here so many, many years ago.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Drone View of Faeto

If you follow the "I Love Faeto" Facebook page, every now and then, something wonderful is posted. Here is a video of Faeto that we think you'll enjoy!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Prospero 2017

This year's feast day celebration was back in the hall at St. Rocco's, just as it was years ago. Lovely time! Thank you all for making it a special day! We hope that the visitors to this website will explore the many links and the previous posts. The history of our little village and its language is very unique and special.

Please click on this link to view photos from this year's dinner.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

San Prospero Feast Day Celebration 2016

Please click on the following link to view the photos
from this terrific dinner at Agostino's.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

St. Prospero's Feast Day - 2015

A wonderful turnout! Many thanks to Linda Santosuosso for organizing this special celebration! The music, provided by Mike Pavia, was terrific as always! Thanks to the 'picture takers', Anita and Sunny!! Bellissimo!

Click on link below to view all the photos.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

St. Rocco's - A "Do-It-Yourself" Italian Parish

Enjoy this nicely written story about St. Rocco's! Buona Natale!

St. Rocco Catholic Church

Cleveland's "Do-It-Yourself" Italian Parish

Monday, September 8, 2014

Carrying on the Tradition - St. Prospero's Feast Day 2014

Following the Mass in Italian at St. Rocco's, we had a lovely dinner at Massimo's complete with dancing!  Heartfelt thanks to Linda Santosuosso for making this event possible.

Click on link below to view all the photos.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cianzùn de Cèlle de Sant Vite / Canzone a Celle di San Vito

Performed in Celle di San Vito, the neighboring village to Faeto, this song is in Faetar, a dialect of the Francoprovencal language. This ancient language has been spoken for over 700 years in Faeto and Celle and has been preserved because of the remoteness of these two beautiful little villages. The song speaks of the love they have for their history and culture. Yours truly was in both villages this past May and hearing the language brought me back to my grandparents' and great-grandparents' kitchens where the language was spoken fluently. This song has such heart!

Mille Grazie!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Tradition Lives On!

This year's celebration was terrific!

Our celebration on September 8th, honoring San Prospero, began with the 10:30 am Mass at St. Rocco's followed by dinner at Massimo da Milano restaurant.

Everyone had a great time! Here is a link to a few photos.

2013 St. Prospero's Feast Day Photos

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Saint Prospero

San Prospero statue
San Prospero statue

Saint Prospero:
patron saint of Faeto
The photo of the statue on the far left, was taken in Faeto's church. The original statue (right), can be found in Saint Rocco's church in Cleveland, Ohio.

Interesting FYI: Carl D'Aiuto, the uncle of Linda Santosuosso, made the reeds that are in the Cleveland statue's hand. He made them out of some sort of sheet metal. The statue was mostly paid for by the Gianvito family.

The plaque on the Cleveland statue says:
Giovanni Paoletta; Carmina Gianvito; Sett. 13 - 1925

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Faeto Museum

Here are two clips taken in Faeto's museum. 
The museum is in a very old home that displays
household and farming implements from long ago.
(taken with Diego Donzella from "MyHiddenItaly" tours.)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lo gion' d' Fait' i sun tri bbéj'

This very old song brought to America by our grandparents was sung at many family gatherings. Below is the link and the lyrics in the Franco-Provencal language.

Lo gion' d' Fait' i sun tri bbéj'*

Lo gion' d' Fait' i sun tri bbéj',
i purtunt' la spaccat' a lu ciappéj'
e s'i allunt' a do e traj'
p' la vi du Muli viaj'.

L' figli' d' Fait' i sun tri bbéj,

i purtunt' la spaccat' a la unnéll'
e s'i allunt' a di e traj'
p' la vi du Muli viaj'. 

*You can save the file to your desktop and then open it with an audio player (iTunes, RealPlayer, Quicktime, etc)

Recording made in Faeto by the "Corale - Nuova Provenza - directed by D. Raffaele Castielli" in 1972 and appears on the album: Cumm' Un Suaj'm' Luntan'.

Inno a San Prospero

Each September, at the Mass in honor of San Prospero, patron saint of Faeto, the hymn to San Prospero is sung.

Inno a San Prospero   
(see link at bottom of this page to listen to the recording of the first verse and stanza)

1. O San Prospero, novello
di Faeto protettor,
il tuo nome, oh, quanto e bello
ci promette ogni favor!
Questo popolo che ti onora
e cotanto fida in Te
tu soccorri; deh! Gli implora
dal Signor perdon, merce!

O San Prospero, novello
di Faeto protettor
per tuo nome tanto bello
non negarci il tuo favor!